Disability Claim Denials: Common Reasons and Tips

7 December 2021
 Categories: Law, Blog


If you suffer an injury that leaves you unable to work, the government has established a disability fund that helps to cover those costs. Social Security Disability pays you a portion of your earnings, which allows you to support yourself and your family if you can't work. There's an application and approval process to receive disability, and sometimes a claim is denied. Here's a look at what your disability lawyer wants you to understand about why disability claims may be denied.

Insufficient Medical Evidence

One of the reasons why your disability claim might be denied is due to insufficient medical evidence. When you file for disability, the claims adjuster who reviews your application will request your medical records from the doctors that you list on the paperwork. These medical records are the foundation of your claim because your medical condition must meet the qualifications.

That means that your doctor needs to provide sufficient documentation of your injury and its effect on your ability to work. If there's conflicting information in your doctor's statements and medical records, if the independent medical examination turns up different results, or there's any other reason why your medical diagnosis doesn't appear to be legitimate, you may find that your claim is denied.

Your lawyer will be able to review the medical documents and subpoena any additional information to help support the claim. He or she can provide you with guidance to help you gather the medical support necessary on appeal.

Disregard For Medical Recommendations

Another common reason for a disability claim to be denied is because your medical records show a recommendation for treatment that you didn't pursue. If you disregard medical treatment recommendations or fail to follow your doctor's orders, then your disability claim might be denied.

Sometimes, it may appear as though you've failed to follow orders. However, that doesn't always mean that it's true. If there's further evidence that you have been doing as your doctor instructed, your disability law attorney can help you.

Lack Of Cooperation

When you file a disability claim, you'll have to respond to phone calls and requests for court hearings. Your disability lawyer will tell you that you have to respond to those calls and be present at those court hearings. Failure to do so will often lead to denial of your claim on the grounds of noncompliance. If, however, you missed a court date by accident, you can work with your disability lawyer to file an appeal and petition the court with justification.

Understanding the fundamentals of disability claims and what leads to denials can help you to avoid these problems. Talk with a disability claims lawyer today for more help.