Professional Help: When To Know You Need An Attorney
ShareIf you've suffered harm from a business or person, you have the right to recover money damages. There is a wide range of cases when it comes to personal injury, however, and you may find the category holding everything from minor car wrecks or property damage right on up to wrongful death cases. In some cases, small claims court provides victims with a quick, easy and inexpensive way to seek damages, as long as the dollar amount sought is relatively low. The more complicated cases require professional help, however. Read on to learn more about 3 types of personal injury cases that require an attorney's help.
Severe and Catastrophic
Some injuries have the potential to change your entire life and affect you and your family forever. These injuries usually include things like brain damage, severe burns, spinal injuries, amputations and more. When dealing with this level of injury, you will need to consider ongoing medical care, pain, and suffering, loss of consortium and other damages. You will need a legal professional to assess the case and know what you are entitled to receive. These negotiations are important since you will likely be depending on the settlement to live on throughout the remainder of your life.
Toxic Substance Injuries
While these types of injuries can be work-related, you cannot count on workers' comp to adequately compensate you for what can be a life-long debilitating injury. It's not only workers who could suffer from exposure to toxic substances like asbestos since it is in such wide use across the U.S. (and still used in manufacturing). Imagine, for example, that you and your family suffer permanent lung damage from a chlorine cloud while staying at a resort from a pool. Anytime you sue a large corporation you will need legal support and technical expertise on tap to adequately prove your damages.
Medical Malpractice
Fighting doctors and medical institutions are not for the weak of heart; they usually mount a strong defense against suits powered by medical malpractice insurance legal teams. These types of injuries are usually complicated and require a great deal of interaction with the medical facility (for records) and technical expertise. In most cases, only certain types of personal injury attorneys deal with medical malpractice cases.
Don't attempt to go it alone if you are dealing with one of the above or even a serious car accident. You cannot expect the insurance company or workers' comp to properly compensate you for your damages. Speak to a personal injury attorney right way.
To learn more, contact a law firm like Trump & Trump.